Here is the chrome extension, which you can use to get custom phones mock mockup in xthunkable. Let’s have a look at the output 1st
As you can see, in the above screenshot. iOS phone mockup insted of default. You can switch this to android just by clicking the button at the top “Switch to Android/iOS“. Button is there to switch between iOS &Androis mock up easily, while working on your project.
Now let’s have a look before you install and use this extension
How to install and use this extension?
In order to use this extension, you’ll have to manually download it and add to your chrome extensions as i haven’t published this on chrome store yet. So for now follow these 3 simple steps to download > Add > and Use it.
Download Extension
First of all click here to downoload this extension, you are free to download it on any directory or location on you pc.
Extract Extension From Zip
Now create a folder named ‘xThunkable Phone Mockeup‘ [ you can name it anything you want to] and Unzip/extract the zip into this folder.
Add Extension To Chrome
Now we have to add this extension to chrome, for that open chrome browser and in the tab type ‘chrome://extensions‘ and here Enable the developer mode as we are adding an unpacked extension.
Click on Load unpacked and choose the path/directory of the folder where you have exported the extension files. Once you select it’ll get added to your chrome extensions.
Now got to xthunkable or refresh the tab if you are already there. Right after that you’ll see the button to switch between iOS mock up and Android mockup in the builder.
If you like my work do write your comment below and leave you feedback in the xThunkable community. Alos of you have any query or suggestion related to this extension feel free to comment down below.